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If you decide to do the work yourself, we suggest paying special attention to these four points:Camera height — Mount cameras well out of reach to prevent tampering.

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“Having a high resolution camera that can reliably see your driveway and at least a little bit of the street in front of your house is a game changer in many suspect identification attempts.

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Netvue VueBell Wireless Wifi Video DoorbellView in galleryThe iseeBell Wi Fi Enabled HD Video Doorbell provides wi fi connection 2.

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Okay, there are some pros and cons to the video doorbell but it’s much better than the ring doorbell i had for two years for a couple of reasons. For one, the ring video doorbell came up with something that was considered very revolutionary at the time and that is the motion sensor which is really a heat motion sensor. I do like the fact that the heat motion sensor was meant to detect people not video motion and you can change the sensitivity to the heat moron but the Ring doorbell motion sensor does not do that very well. No matter what the sensitivity level that I set it to, it will always pick up large trucks and SUVs driving by on the road in front of my house since my ring doorbell faced the street out in front and the the street is more than a 70 feet from my front door I still picked up garbage trucks and large SUVs that passed by because of their heat signature. I also realized that even though you can change the directions of where it will pick up heat motion it wasn’t quite doing that. This new doorbell camera does a better job because it makes sure that you can draw boxes on the video view of exactly where you you want motion to be detected. So when it came to making sure it only picked up motion at the front door and then the front yard I didn’t have to worry about motion that was happening with cars driving by only when someone actually walked up to the front door or through the pathway to the front door. I also was able to change the sensitivity of the motion detection more accurately than the ring video doorbell but there is the flaw I’m hoping the new camera doesn’t have – motion pickup from Summer bugs!Right now I’ve eliminates 90% of the false motion alarms I use to get on my phone from Ring but I never had to worry about bugs crawling on rings cameras screen since it will only detect heat and it’s winter – so no bugs. I’m wondering if a moth or a spider would trigger the motion detection during summer months. I wrote to the site and they responded by saying they haven’t experienced any problems yet of course they would say that but since this new doorbell just came out in September, summer was almost over. They did mention that new program and app updates are coming to “ensure optimal performance” to the cameras and as a customer, I’ll receive an email when they come out but I’m crossing my fingers on this issue.

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To a lesser extent, we also examined effective field of view and whether the video filled the screen.

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